“But his soul was mad. Being alone in the wilderness, it had looked within itself and, by heavens I tell you, it had gone mad."
It had begun a normal day, I was exploring the mundane shores of Roman Britain. Sitting on the edge of the cliff with my feet poised over the jutting jagged rocks. The water hungrily lapping at them, splashing up ocassionally to moisten my tired swollen feet. I had been thinking of life, and wether or not the journey to obtain nice juicy girkins was indeed worth the discomfort and stiffness during this long out of the way trip. It was at this time that my stomach started to gurgle. Well my body had made her choice, I gathered my belongings and set off on the journey to gather my precious girkin. When I arrived, as usual, I was greeted with a pickle, the owner knowing of my fondness for them. I greedily sank my teeth into the succulent yet slightly crunchy flesh of the pickle and to my suprise, it was mildly pleasing but didn't quench my hunger. I thought maybe it is this delicous concoction called chocolate it is made from something called cocoa. Suprisingly enough it came from those Incans. I naturally thought that my those Indians make good chocolate. But although my fingers wear smeared with the remaints of the chocolate, my mouth filled with its perfect blend of sweet and strong chocolate, this did not quench my hunger. I thought maybe it was a desire to see him, so I started my journey off to London. I approached the warehouse and the place was locked with no signs of him. I frowned my annoyance and strange craving growing. I heard a noise and walked to the door and opened it and noticed a young fellow.
They say you always remember your first. I made my way towards him, I did not feel different, though my body did. It was the way a hunter moves when it is encircling and starting the dance of death with its prey. He seemed a little suprised to actually see someone, mail still clutched in his hand tightly. I watched him quirking my head to the side slightly to look at his side profile. "Are you frightened of this alley?" I inquired offering a smile which seemed to soothe the man, maybe instilling him in some confidence and cockiness. He gave a small nervous laugh and leaned in close as if sharing a deep secret, he points at the direction of his warehouse not seeming to notice this is where I had come from and pauses. Looking like the nervous creature, his eyes darting left and then to the right and whispers his confession. "The man that lives there, well.... I hear he is into only the most foul of things. I have heard from other people in this area that he kills there." I laughed at this and rest a hand on his assuringly and flashed him a breathtaking smile. He must have thought so, for his body language calmed right down. "That is a simple fairytale, the man that lives there is a business man, a powerful one at that. He has many a person that would spread some foolish tale to try to bismirch his reputation. Trust me.......he is nothing to worry about." I don't know why I was lying but I didn't care. He nodded and murmered if I needed any assistance in getting home. I said, I did in fact however the journey would be a rather long one. He said this was his last stop and he did not mind the travel. I listened to him prattle on about irrevelant matters. As we travelled my hunger was growing and somewhere in the back of my mind I was wondering why I was doing this?
We eventually reached my home in Tara. He noticed the fountain and decided to help himself, bending over to cup water in between his hands bringing up to his lips. I felt this urge to just whack his head. I don't know why I did, but I did. Instead I smoothed my hands down over my dress to where I found my katar, I raised it up and attempted to knock the man out. Although he twisted at last moment, and it nicked his neck and when straight into his clavicle bone with a landed with a sickening thunk. I frowned lost for a brief moment, looking at the blood slowly seeping from his wound. The material still wedged into the flesh. I grab the katana lifting it upand out of the flesh, some coming with it. I looked at him, who had a silly look of betrayal. By now he had brought out a dagger and I had summoned forth an Angel to hold him in his vice-like grip. I found a smile come to my lips and I caught a whiff of something, my mouth salivitating in anticipation.
Mmm........I need to pause to remember that split second moment where I took that bite sized piece of flesh into my hands. Brought it up to sniff it and then found my tongue licking up the pungent blood. The coppery taist coiling within my mouth, and my lips part to sink my teeth into the small piece of flesh.
(to be continued....)